What I've done: a Present Perfect form Sentence

This week we are learning new material: Present Perfect tense. The topic is What I've done.

We only have three activities: watching MV that using present perfect form sentences, learning about present perfect form sentences, and identifying present perfect form sentences.

So, there is no anything you have to submit in this session.

let's start our learning.

1. Watch this music video and try to find which sentence using the present perfect form. you don't need to submit it just find them and we will discuss them on next sessions. Temukan saja  kalimat apa sja dalam lirik lagu tersebut yang menggunakan bentuk Presen perfect. 

 (Links to an external site2. Observe and learn the explanation in this video about the present perfect tense

kalian bisa mengunduh dokumen ini dan disimpan sebagai catatan yang bisa kalian pelajari sendiri: Present Perfect KBM OL 2021.pdf

3. Identify the sentences in the LearningApps by dragging the sentences and dropping to the section of the Present Perfect tense.

Untuk mengecek hasil latihanmu benar atau salah klik tanda centang biru di pojok kanan bawah. Ketika kalimat yang dipilih berbingkai merah berarti masih salah.

you can do this exercise on this link (Links to an external site.) too if you want to have more comfortable


Resume: Present Perfect Tense

Have you understood the use of present perfect form in sentences?

Let's check our understanding of the present perfect form sentences.

Please watch the following presentation and review the definition and the use of present perfect forms in sentences. The resume is presented by Genially. To enjoy the presentation you just direct your mouse or touch the coin and you get the details of the explanation.

However, if you have difficulty playing the presentation on this page you can click this link (Links to an external site.) to move it into another tab.

the printable resume can be downloaded here: PRESENT PERFECT TENSE RESUME.pdf

Past Participle in Present Perfect Sentences

Having learned the present perfect forms of sentences and the elements (structure), now let me check your understanding og past participle verbs (bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan dalam Present Perfect Sentences.

Dalam penugasan ini kalian mengerjakan latihan di lembar kerja berikut ini (available link below) kemudian mengirimkan tangkapan gambar (screenshot) nilai yang didapat dan dikirim lewat fitur SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT (lihat pojok kanan atas).

Penugasan ini bersifat latihan. Jadi tujuan utama bukan nilai, melainkan kalian mengecek pemahaman kalian tentang kata kerja past participle dan kalimat Present Perfect. Nilai hanya untuk menunjukkan hasil belajar kalian, untuk kalian sendiri.

Cara mengerjakan lembar kerja adalah dengan mengetikkan jawaban di kolom yang disediakan. Setelah selesai kemudian klik FINISH lalu akan ada pilihan untuk mengecek jawaban  atau kirim jawaban ke Email Guru. Pilih chek my answer.

latiha preent perfect indtifying learnapp.PNG

Review: Past simple vs Present Perfect

Today we are doing just two learning activities. pertama kita membahas latihan kemarin mengidentifikasi kalimat present perfect continuous. Disini kita berlatih membedakan mana kalimat berbentuk Past simple, declarative present perfect, negative present perfect, dan interrogative present perfect. Masih ingat latihan yang kemarin kan?

Untuk bisa lebih memahami Apa perbedaan diantara keempat bentuk kalimat tersebut mari kita simak yang berikut ini. Cara memahami presentasi berikut adalah dengan mengarahkan pointer/telunjuk ke bagian yang yang bertanda di halaman tersebut, (klik tanda pointer di pojok kanan atas untuk bisa melihat)


Pembahasan tentang perbedaan past simple dan present perfect ada di ikon VS. Selanjutnya contoh kalimat past simple di ikon bulan dan present perfect di tiga ikon bintang.

Apabila tidak  bisa dilihat atau tidak nyaman, bisa klik di sini. (Links to an external site.)

Untuk dokumen tertulis bisa diunduh di sini Differences between Past form sentences and Present Perfect form sentences.pdf

Present Perfect VS Present Perfect Continuous

Having learned about Present Perfect now we are talking about another form one that is present perfect continuous. 

The following is a presentation of an explanation about it. 

if you want to more learn more beyond the class you can download it in pdf format here. present perfect vs perfect continuous.pdfNow you have more understood about Present Perfect Continuous. Let's check our understanding by doing the exercise in this link (Links to an external site.). You can also check the correct answer in that website too. Nothing you have to do after doing the exercise.  Setelah mengerjakan latihannya, kalau masih ada yang tidak dipahami bisa hubungi ustadzah.

For the last activity, you can go Rumah Belajar Muallimaat to do exercise and Quiz

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