What Are the Differences Between Active Voice and Passive Voice

In this Learning activities, we are talking about Passive Voice. We know that in Bahasa Indonesia we also use passive form sentences. It is the same as in English but some forms are different. At the end of the lesson, we are able to understand the kinds of passive forms sentences and how to use them in the situational context of the sentences. Pada Akhirnya setelah memahami perbedaan kalimat aktif dan pasif  dan bagaimana bentuk-bentuk kalimat psif dalam bahasa Inggris kita akan bisa memahami makna dalam kalimat pasif dan bagaiman menggunakan kalimat pasif dalam konteks situasi yang sesuai dengan maknanya.

For the first part of the activities, we are going to review the active sentences and passive sentences.
Here are some learning activities you must do in order to more understand the differences between them.

Activity 1

There are some web applications delivering the learning media for you to practice in order to build your prior knowledge about passive sentences. Kita harus memahami terlebih dahulu apa itu kalimat aktif dan pasif supaya kita bisa lebih mudah memperlajari apa kalimat pasif itu.

Task 1

Di Edpuzzle ini simak video yang ada dan pelajari arti kalimat yang tersedia di setiap jedanya. Kemudian jawab pertanyaan di akhir video sebagai kesimpulan apa yang kalian pelajari dalam aktivitas di Task 1 ini. 

Task 2

Di aplikasi LearnApp ini yang harus kalian lakukan adalah pelajari keterangan yang ada di gambar berjudul Active dan Passive dan keterangan yang ada, kemudian kelompokkan kalimat-kalimat yang ada sesuai kelompoknya, apakah termasuk kalimat aktif atau kelompok kalimat pasif.


Task 3

Di aktivitas belajar terakhir dari bagian ini dalam LearnApp yang dilakukan hanyalah memasangkan kalimat aktif dengan kalimat pasifnya yang punya kesamaan makna. 

Sebagai penutup kegiatan sesi ini, silahkan berikan tanggapan di aplikasi berikut ini yang juga dipakai sebgai presensi untuk sesi kali ini.
Ada beberapa pernyataan sebagai rangkuman tentang perbedaan kalimat aktif dan pasif yang harus kalian pilih sebagai tanda kalian telah mempelajarinya.

Klik Vote pada pernyataan yang kalian setujui atau berikan komentar pada tanda add argument kalau tidak setuju di forum diskusi ini. jangan lupa tulis nama lengkap dan kelas di ruang yang disediakan di forum tersebut.

Activity 2

What Passive Voice is 

Having learned about the differences between active and passive voice let's learn what actually passive voice, what examples of passive in kind of tenses, and what to use it.

Task 4

watch the following video and learn the passive voice explained in the presentation.

you can download the document to learn it more beyond the lesson in Passive Voice.PDF

Task 5

Now let's check our understanding of passive voice sentences by doing the following exercise. 

Activity 3

In this session, we replayed the explanation about Passive Voice that we had discussed last week in our virtual meeting via Zoom application. 

Task 6

You just replay it and learn it more for more understanding. You can download the PDF format of the documentation to learn it deeper beyond the class.

document in PDF format can be downloaded here

Task 7

This Quiz is an exercise to check your understanding of the passive voice in some tenses. The purpose is to check how you understand reading the passive sentences in some tenses forms. 

Mention the name of the tenses and write the Indonesian version.
I am given money every lebaran day (present simple) --> saya diberi uang setiap hari lebaran

1. when was the boycott organized?
2. I’ll be picked up by her
3. you’ve been saved by me
4. my computer’s been hacked 
5. you’ve been asked? by whom?
6. I won’t help people who can’t be helped
7. are you asking me to be the partner?
8. we were being attacked when you called last time
9. how was Wagner killed?
10. the class is started at a quarter past seven

Task 8

Now try to do the exercise on forming Passive sentences from the Active sentences in the following application.

if you have difficulty to enjoy it in this page you can visit the original page by clicking this link for Edpuzzle quiz

Activity 3

In this session, you must take exercise in the Liveworksheet application and a quiz about forming passive voice sentences.   

Task 9

In this session, the task is doing an exercise about forming passive voice sentences by matching the correct Indonesian version from the English version of passive voice sentences. Having done the exercise you must check whether you have the wrong answer or not by clicking the button FINISH and to check your score, click CHECKING MY ANSWER.

please click here to take the exercise

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