There are several activities to understand the use of CAN and WILL to
express ability and willingness
Introduction to Ability and Willingness expressions.
In this first stage, you will be introduced to the use of can and will in expressions for ability and willingness.
Access to this page to do the learning activities. Ada beberapa kegiatan belajar di halaman ini. silhkan klik tautan ini.
Kerjakan sungguh-sunggu supaya bisa mencapai tujuan belajar kita kali ini yaitu mengenali bentuk kalimat yang mengungkapkan Ability (kemampuan) dan Willingness (kemauan).
Activity 1
The followings are two videos you must watch. Perhatikan baik-baik
setiap adegan dalam video tersebut juga kalimat yang diucapkan. Setelah itu
jawab pertanyaan yang diberikan di aktivitas 2
Activity 2
Having watched the videos you should understand which expression for
expressing ability and willingness. kategorikan kalimat dengan fungsinya di Learning
App berikut.
Activity 3
in this second LearningApp, you learn about the social function of wacth sentences containing can, can't, will, or won't. pasangkan kalimat yang tersebut dalam LearningApp berdasar fungsinya dan responnya.
Activity 4
read the explanation in the following presentation and learn it to understand the function of CAN and WILL to express ability, inability, willingness and unwillingness to do something.Made with Visme
Ability, Inability, willingness, and unwillingness in texts
Resume of previous Activities
When a person wants to show his/her potential ability (kemampuan) to do something he/she is able to use the word can. When he/she needs to show his/her potential willingness (kemauan/niat) to do something he/she is able to use the word will.
Jadi, untuk menunjukkan bahwa seseorang punya kemampuan melakukan sesuatu maka dia bisa menggunakan kata CAN dan apabila ingin menunjukkan kemauan/niat untuk melakukakn sesuatu maka dia bisa menggunakan kata WILL.
Misalnya Adi merasa mampu membantu temannya maka dia akan mengatakan I can help you. Jadi Ketika dia mengatakan seperti itu makan orang yang mendengar akan memahami kalua Adi mungkin bisa membantu temannya.
Begitu juga jika Adi punya niat akan membantu maka dia bisa mengataka I will help you.
the resume of material can be learned more or saved in PDF format here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12PkUdDvVfDZlcIxLwaPRI2wS0xrpTt2g/view?usp=sharing
Activity 5
On this page, you need to check your understanding after doing the previous learning activity last week.
please visit https://www.classtime.com/code/YJZR69 then enter your NAME & Class and JOIN to answers the questions on your own.
Activity 6
Now observe the following picture that shows the structure of the sentence in the use of Can, can't, will, and won't.
pelajari baik-baik susunan kalimat yang menggunakan can, can not, will dan will not.
1. Observe the following picture then write a sentence using can or can't/ cannot by filling in the blank of the table in the following LearningApp.
or visit this link https://learningapps.org/watch?v=pqt24uj5t21
2. Observe the following picture then write a sentence using will or won't/ will not by filling in the blank of the table in the following LearningApp.
or visit this link https://learningapps.org/watch?v=pjp7sgnft21
Activity 8
Having completed the previous activities, now we just only try to practice to make ability, inability, willingness, and unwillingness sentences into a conversation.
There have been available the situation in Bahasa Indonesian, what you have to do is just change the sentences into English.
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